About Kick off Trondheim

About Kick off Trondheim

Blog Article

Kontrast Catering specialises in superior-excellent food stuff from to start with-class ingredients which has a target nearby producers. The award winning workforce at Kontrast delivers food items of the highest Global standard to the event.

The exhibition will be comprised of will work from three individual but related bodies of performs, all titled «Jubileum» (Jubilee). Presented collectively for The 1st time, it is a one of a kind chance to spotlight the artist’s work inside the industry of printmaking at QSPA Bispevika.

The memorial stone was designed into the leading constructing of NTH on King Haakon VII’s coronation day. The stone was put as superior to the wall as the development get the job done experienced arrive at that time.

Lynet slår ned i eit hus i Bergen der Magnus oppheld seg. Huset tok fyr, og heile Bergen brann til slutt ned. Magnus overlevde. Det var i hans auge ei Guds styring, som det låg ei djupare meining bak og som viste at han var esla til noko stort.

Magnus skal ha fileått undervisning av fransiskanarar som etablerte eit kloster i Bergen i 1240. I ånda ser det ut til at Magnus vart verande ein fransiskanar heile livet, og det han lærde av munkane, skulle verta avgjerande for lovsamlingane han seinare vart kjend for.

Den norske kongefamilien var gifta inn i europeiske kongehus, den norske eliten utdanna seg ved here universitet i Italia og Frankrike, og norske prestar og biskopar var i tett kontakt med paven i Roma.

Welcome to Martnan in Trondheim – a traditional and colourful event and sector at Torvet, suitable in the center of the city Centre.

It became attainable to boost the volume of college students, As well as in practice, this grew to become a changeover to College research Along with the establishment of standard and intermediate topics.

Comprising film, sculpture and holographic illustrations or photos, the breathtaking exhibition, The Goddess Helix by Emilija Škarnlytė explores themes of adaptation, survival and fantasy, and seeks to inspire new means of navigating environmental and social crises at a time of expanding disillusionment.

Hovedrett: Helstekt indrefilet av hjort m/ kremet vilt saus, råstekte poteter, champignon og dampet broccoli

Carry an Grownup and sign up for us to discover the goddesses and mermaids while in the exhibition The Goddess Helix by artist Emilija Škarnulytė. This tends to be followed by a storytelling session about river goddesses and […]

Make sure you let's really know what is incorrect and be as precise as you can. We may access out to you by using e-mail if we want more details.

Trøndelag Conservatory of New music was established through a division of Trondhjem Songs College of 1911 into a municipal audio university and also a conservatory for which the point out needed to choose economical responsibility within the 1980s.

Historia om Magnus Lagabøtes landslov er ein del av historia om korleis vi blir oss sjølv i møte med andre – og om korleis Noreg etter kvart blir til det Noreg vi kjenner i dag – i samspel med verda som ligg utanfor. 

The objective was to automate inner library routines. From running a library procedure for 2 libraries in Trondheim, BIBSYS developed a national library program for Norwegian subject matter and investigate libraries.

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